Dillys Pasta Salad

-1 pound favorite pasta, cooked al dente. We love Cavatappi for this recipe.

-Favorite additions, try Kidney beans or chickpeas, Dillys pickled carrots, diced bell peppers, olives, red onions, etc.

-Dillys Dressing: 1/2 cup pickle brine, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/8 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 tsp Italian herbs, fresh or dry, Mix well to blend then stir into the pasta salad to coat evenly. Chill and serve cold.

Dillys Marinated Tacos

1 pound Chicken or Pork

Dillys Garden Jar & Dillys Red Onions

Favorite Taco Shell

Favorite Toppings, including

Dillys Garden Jar and Red Onions

Marinate meat in Garden Jar brine for 2 hours, then cook until fall apart tender. Reserve garden jar veggies for topping tacos. Once shredded, place meat in preferred taco holding device and top with favorite toppings, including Dillys garden jar and Dillys Red onions. Enjoy warm and with friends!